
The Process for Doubling Your Sales with Paid Ads

Sales is all about relationships. People buy from companies they like and trust, and if you’re doing the selling, you’re the person the lead is going to base their opinion of the company around. That’s why building a relationship is always our primary goal.

When we work with the client, we never have the banner ad go directly to the sales page. We tried this in the past and it never works. You can use this method for transactional selling, used to sell low-ticket items with a short sales cycle. Transactional selling works for this simply because the less an item costs us, the fewer questions the audience is likely to have. Generally, all we need to know is what the product does, and what it costs.
Since high ticket items and SaaS products require more personalization and trust, we need to be practicing relationship selling.

Like every relationship, you want to build trust first.

This is the process we create that brings in leads for our saas clients:

Create a video of your service ( what problems you solve, the actions you take to solve it, and the value your clients receive) Use that video for the facebook objective as “video Views” this is much cheaper than getting ads to go to your “conversions” or “leads”

Retarget those people that watched the video to a case study on your blog, ( make sure to be placing the pixel code on your blog, too so you can see who’s converting)

Have a call to action on your blog that they are reading about your case study, that says, “Work with me..” something like that. and have it go to your scheduling link, so you get emails automatically. This makes the onboarding process so much easier for you, too.

Retarget AGAIN for the people that clicked on this, but didn’t opt-in. This time retarget to a sales page with more social proof, video testimonials and how you solve their problems.

This works every time! Why? Because you’ve established a relationship- in 3 steps, you’ve built value, trust, and a solution.  

The Numbers

Our “Currency Arbitrage” Strategy for Paid Ads:
We place lots of small bets on different tactics, channels, platforms, and mediums to evaluate their effectiveness in real-time.

Once you see specific trends developing(either positive or negative), you double down on the winners and cut your losses on the rest. Then, we can fine tune and adjust each campaign accordingly to bring out the best results.
