Let’s get you famous!
Publish an article 50 news networks and
get your business in front of the entire U.S.A. and the world.
We will write and publish an article for you and your business in more than 50 news networks.
Original Content Creation
1 Post=
Influencer Report
How it works: We write an article with one of our 5 star established news reporters, and then send your news article for syndication to the top news networks in the country, (ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX and much more)
The process:
1) Please send us your website information and 3 topics you would like us to focus on.
2) Once we have the topics we send it to our news reporter to pick the 1 topic and set a focus.
3) After you verify the focus, our reporter will write the article, once its complete you will get to read the article for verification.
4) After you verify we send it to syndication. if everything is legit on your side the news networks pick up the story and BAM! YOU ARE FAMOUS!!!
Now for the technical SEO side,
These publications have a do follow link
and tagged picture from any and all of the top network sites in the USA, did I say BOOM yet.!
How can you say no to this! Sign up now!